So, there we were in the ultra sound room, finally. Somehow, on our way to the hospital we missed our exit and ended up next to the cemetery where uncle Frank is buried before we realized what had happened. Ray figured that uncle Frank just wanted to give his blessings before we went in.
Anyway, the ultra sound technician and a resident student were in the room for the full baby exam.
All ten fingers and ten toes were checked, along with head, spine and stomach measurements. Then the technician asked if we wanted to find out what we were having. Oh course we said yes and after a few seconds of moving the ultrasound wand around, she explained what we were looking at.
Ray gripped my hand tightly.
Technician- "Okay, right here is the scrotum and here is the penis and...."
Ray- "YESSSSSSSSSSS!" Jumping up out of his seat with his hands in the air as if he just scored the winning touchdown at the Superbowl.
Everyone in the room jumped from the shock of Ray's response and after her nerves settled back down, the technician continued with the exam. After the ultrasound was done the technician left the room.
A moment later one of the doctors on staff came in and asked me how regular were my periods and was I sure of the date of my last menstrual cycle. (Did she honestly expect me to remember as far back as February? I couldn't even remember what I did yesterday!) Ray asked what was wrong and the doctor explained that even though I came is as being 23 weeks all the measurements from the ultrasound showed that I should actually be 25 weeks. This would change my due date to October 31st. So, since the ultrasound is a bit more accurate then my menstrual counting we decided to go with the new October due date.
Below are the cherished picks of our baby boy, John J. Mattingly.

Imagine sitting your bare butt on top of the copy machine at work. This is how you are looking at this photo. It is the bottom of his butt with his right leg bent at the lower left corner of the picture. The arrow is pointing directly at his boy parts.
(And I don't want to hear any talks about his size. The exam room was cold and you know what happens to guys in cold water.)