**Warning! The following pictures may cause other mothers to 'ooh' and 'aww' over a kid that is not their own. It may also cause battles between grandmothers and great grandmothers as they attempt to 'one-up each other' with their friends on who's grandchild is cuter. You have been warned.**

"Okay mom. I'm really getting tired of you taking pictures of me. Seriously, put the camera phone down and do some knitting or something."

"Does this shower cap make my butt look big?"

"Oh, don't mind the slurping sounds. I'm still listening to you. Continue."

You think everything grows big in Texas? Well, you haven't seen what's been growing at Costco! That's not a melon next to her head. It's a grapefruit!

An oldie but goodie. This picture was taken while I was still in the hospital recovering from my liver transplant.