Saturday, January 19, 2008

My Birthday!

Yes, it has finally happened. I've turned 30!

The day started off like any other day. (Well, except for the words, HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY written in lipstick on our dresser mirror).

I got up and had breakfast. Ray was already at work and Elektra was still asleep in our bed. The usual routine had occurred of cleaning, checking emails, feeding Elektra and cleaning some more.

Halfway through the day a FedEx truck pulled up and dropped a package off on our front door. It was addressed to me. I brought the box in and opened it. Inside was a beautiful bouquet of 24 roses.

I called Ray at work and thanked him for the lovely flowers, then spent the next half hour fussing over them- pruning the ends, trying to find the best vase, displaying them just right on the table, etc.

After all the fuss over the flowers, I went back to my routine. I was enjoying the fact that for once in a very long time, there was noting going happening on my birthday. In the past there have been rehearsals or theatre performances or other parties and events that always seemed to fall on my B-day.

But today there was nothing and for me that was a gift in itself. Elektra's extra long nap allowed me to play some computer games and indulge in one of my guilty pleasures- looking at pictures of Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Woods, my fantasy boy toys.

Elektra woke up just before Ray came home. He didn't pull all the way into the garage like he usually does, but this didn't surprise me since he's done it before. Ray then came in and fussed it me for still being in my PJ's. So I left him with Elektra as I went to go change into something more presentable.

When I came out of the bedroom, Ray and Elektra was waiting for me with a half dozen roses.

"So, how many roses do you have, honey?"

"Well you gave me 24 roses."

"Yes, and Elektra just gave you 6, so what does that make?"

"Oh honey, you gave me 30 roses. Thank you. That's so sweet."

"30 roses for a beautiful 30 year old women. Now finish getting dressed."

After some puttering around the house some more, we were on our way to I didn't know where. It wasn't long before I realized exactly where we were going. We pulled into the Black Angus parking lot and went inside.

We've realized in our short time living here that people seem to eat really late. You can go to a place at a 5:00pm and there is an echo in the room. But come back to the same place at 8:45pm and there is a line outside the door. So, we had the whole place almost to ourselves.

After dinner we went to the movies and saw, "The Hitman", which was awesome! There is nothing like a good shoot-them-up-and-blow-them-all-to-pieces movie to end an already perfect day.

Overall, it was the best way to turn 30. I could not have asked for more.

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