Thank you all for waiting so patiently for me to update you on what has been going on with CPS surrounding Elektra.
As many of you may know from the stories on the news or from personal experience- CPS can be like a never ending tunnel of despair that once your family is sucked into the system, there seems to be no way out. CPS is infamous for destroying families and damaging children for life. We did not want that to happen to our family.
For that reason we took the best option available to us at this time, which was to give legal guardianship of Elektra to Ray‘s sister and brother-in-law, Corinna and Mike. Doing this closed the CPS case without having to go into a long drawn out legal battle (which we can not afford at this time). It also allows Corinna to get back to her family and Elektra to get some normality back in her life.
For that reason we took the best option available to us at this time, which was to give legal guardianship of Elektra to Ray‘s sister and brother-in-law, Corinna and Mike. Doing this closed the CPS case without having to go into a long drawn out legal battle (which we can not afford at this time). It also allows Corinna to get back to her family and Elektra to get some normality back in her life.
Corinna has already been living here taking care of Elektra so that she would not have to be in a foster home during all this. They have formed a wonderful bond and Corinna and Mike love her very much and will keep her close to both sides of our families. So, Elektra now lives with them on the east coast.
Ray is working with the Navy to get his next permeate duty station as close to Elektra as possible. That way we will continue to be a part of our daughter’s life. Elektra is our daughter and she knows and will always know that we are her parents.
I will let you know now, that I do not wish this situation on even my worst enemy. Ray and I have cried over this more times then we care to count. Our house is empty of the sound of small giggles and tiny feet running around. Instead of planning family outings, we are now trying to find ways to avoid places with too many kids because it’s just so painful. This is the greatest heartbreaking sacrifice we've had to make and I pray that no one EVER has to go through what we have gone through.
We both try to keep positive, reminding ourselves that by making this decision, we have saved Elektra from being yet another victimized and damaged child - the product of the CPS system. We would do anything to protect her smile, her laugh, her love of life. We don’t want anyone or anything to change the beautiful person that she is.
We will do our best visit her now as often as time and finances allow. Between flights to see her, we will use email, webcam, letters and packages to keep in touch with Elektra and let her know that we love and miss her so much.
Now to clear things up for you, the CPS case has been closed, but there is still an open investigation on us on the criminal end. I really don’t have any other details about that at this time. Ray and I continue to do research and collect information so when we can afford to, we can get Elektra back. The medical truth is out there and we will find it. It’s just going to take time and money.
Again, thank you all for your patience in this matter. Thank you for your prayers, positive energy and continued support. We love you all.
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