I tried everything I knew to keep it healthy and strong, but maybe due to hormones, medication, stress or a combination of the three, my hair just won't stop falling out.
So, I decided to do the only thing that I know that can save what little hair I have left- dread it. That's right, I am going back to having dreadlocks.
For those of you who may not know or may not remember, I had dreadlocks for about 7 years before cutting the all off. I had started my dreads back in August 2000, the same year I graduated from college. I felt that I was starting a new chapter in my life and wanted something to ground me as my life, for the next few years, would be anything but stable.
When I turned 30, I felt that I no longer needed that grounding in my life. So my dreads went away, along with 7 years of memories. (Tia is still in shock that I cut my dreads and believes that I must have been suffering some form of a midlife crisis.)
But now, dreading my hair this time around is more of an act of salvation rather then a personal journey. Realizing how much my body- along with my life- has changed now, I'm learning to accept its new needs and limitations. My hair just can not bounce back from all the changes, so I just need to find a way to help it live a new life.
Just to give you a little education here, dreadlocks are matted coils of hair which are carefully formed to create rope like strands. Unlike straight hair which is shiny like silk, dreadlocks take on the texture and appearance similar to suede. It can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months for hair to start 'dreading'. Dreadlocks can and should be washed just like regular hair and anyone of any race can have dreads.
To start the dreading process, I have braided my hair and will start twisting my hair to 'train it' as the braids grow out.
I have also started dreads in Tia's hair too. Her hair does not have as much chemical processing as mine, so her hair will most likely dread before mine.
As always, feel free to ask questions about my dreads. I always enjoy educating people on my hair and dispelling any myths surrounding dreadlocks.