Ray & Me- "You should go to the dance."
Tia-"I'm not going to any dance. I don't know these people. I don't even like dancing."
Ray & Me- "You should go to the dance."
Tia- "Maybe I'll go. I don't know. No one I know is going. I'm not going to do anything there. I'll just be bored."
Ray & Me- "You should go to the dance."
Tia-"I don't have anything to wear and I don't like my hair. Can't I just stay home? Anyway, it's just a stupid dance. No one is going to be there."
Ray & Me- "You should go to the dance."
Tia- "Why? Why is this so important to you? I'm not going to have any fun. You can make me go if you want to. I'm just going to stand in a corner the whole night and just wait until you come pick me up. I'm not dancing."
Tia- "Can you give me a ride to the dance?"
Ray & Me- "You're going to the dance?!"
Tia went to her first school dance this month. It was the traditional homecoming dance. She had attended the school game earlier that afternoon before coming home to change for the dance. She left the game early because by the time the score got to 12-them, 0-us, she said there was just no need in seeing the home team get creamed any further.
Below are a couple of pictures I took of her before we drove her to the dance.
We gave her the 'sex talk' for about the hundredth time and as always, she asked that we please not have that talk with her again. As we pulled up to the school, Ray rolled down the windows and we blasted some awesome party music. (Hey, a girl has to arrive in party style!)
The party was from 8 pm to 11pm. Ray and I went and saw a movie while Tia was enjoying her party. After we left the theater we cruised around town and then took our time driving to her school. It was crazy when we got there. Parents were parking their cars and pacing the sidewalk and as soon as the gym door opened, they would run up to escort their daughters and sons back to the cars. It was like they didn't trust them. Wow, talk about over-protective! We chilled out on one of the side streets and waited for Tia to text me when she was ready.
Tia said the party was 'floss-some'! (that's Tia language meaning the party was great). There was fog machines and strobe lights. She said at several points throughout the dance it got really hot in the gym and caused the fire alarms to go off, but it didn't stop the party- they all just started dancing to the beat of the alarm!
She was on the dance floor the whole night and three different boys asked to dance with her. And I guess at some point a few girls climbed onto the speaker/lighting system and started dancing on top of it. (As a mom I should be appalled by such actions, but as her aunt, I am highly disappointed that she did not participate in such activities.)
Tia is not looking forward to the Winter Formal in January. (She appears to be allergic to dressing up all cute and girly.) And she has already put her foot down on the whole Sadie's Dance once I explained to her that she has to ask a guy out. I think if I threaten her with the thought of asking one of her guy friends for her she'll change her mind.

1 comment:
you spelled Floss some wrong!! lol flawesome! lol kk
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