Tuesday, October 31, 2006

2nd Trimester Words of Wisdom

As I now enter into my third trimester, I thought it would be nice to look back on the past weeks and share with you just a few things I have learned so far from my pregnacy:

Morning sickness is like an ex-boyfriend. Just when you think you've gotten rid of it, here it comes popping its ugly head in just long enough to ruine your day.

Little kids are right- two slices of cake and a tall glass of milk does qualify as breakfast.

There is a conspiricy in the fashion world to not make sexy clothes for pregnant women.

Women who relish in telling their labor horror stories to me need to be shot.

When someone takes their finger and pokes me in the belly in their 'cute' atempt to try and wake the baby I now realize I have every right to punch them in the face.

Sleep deprivation doesn't start once the baby is born, it starts now!

Trying to paint my toe nails should qualify as an olympic event.

My butt and my belly are in a race to see which can grow the biggiest.

If at first you don't succed, just wait until your husband gets home and have him bend over and pick it up off the floor.

Climbing a flight of stairs now is the equivlent of one week at boot camp.

There are some things that I have learned to let go of- like my waist size and my ablility to see anything pass my belly without the use of a full length mirror.

Sliding down to the floor, rolling over and pushing yourself up with your hands and knees may not be the most elegant way of getting up off the couch, but it works!

My hands spend so much time resting on top of my belly that I'm unable to recall what I use to do with them before I got pregnant.

When pregnant there is nothing wrong with having leftover steak for breakfast and two bowls of cereal for dinner.

When in doubt, I take a nap. It's good for me, it's good for the baby, and the cats love it when I join them for nap time.