Monday, June 18, 2007

Mommy & Baby Have Gone M.I.A.

Yes, it is true. For the last couple of months Elektra and I seem to have gown missing in action. But before you start yelling at us, let me explain....

Our disappearance was for a good reason. We left the hot dry heat of Arizona to spend two wonderful fun-filled months in Hawaii ! ! ! ! ! ! What better way to kick off the summer months then on the cool beaches of Hawaii with the two loves of my life - Rum & Coke. (Oh, sorry, I meant Ray & Elektra).

On April 17th, after way too much time apart, we arrived in Honolulu, Hawaii and was greeted by my hubby and one of our friends. During our time there, Ray showed us the military bases, we spent time at the beach and I finally got to see his sub up close and personal. We also attended the annual SPAM festival. Yes, Hawaii is a huge fan of SPAM. They even have a SPAM McMuffin on the McDonald's breakfast menu!

It was great when Ray's family flew in to spend a week with us. We toured many historical sites including the Pearl Harbor Memorial.

If you have never been to Hawaii I strongly recommend that you go, and if you've been there already I suggest you make plans to go again. Hawaii is constantly changing and new things are being built all the time. Even one of the crew members on ray's sub, who's family lives there, could not believe all the changes that happened in the one year that he was away.

So, now, yes we are back and I do plan to keep this blog up-to-date on all the newsworthy events going on in the life of the Mattingly's.