Friday, August 03, 2007

Yes, We Are Moving!!

If you haven't already heard, Ray has his new orders and this September we will be moving to Sunnyvale, California! He'll be working at some kind of Strategic Flight Something Plan Something That...oh, I don't know, just ask Ray, he's the one working there. All I know is that the job is off the sub and closer to friends and family.

I'll be flying over to California this month to hook up with Ray and go house hunting. There is a military base somewhere in the area with housing be we don't know how close it is to where he will be working. We are going to look at all the different housing options available to us. We plan on having at least two more kids during the time we are there so our place will need to be big enough to comfortable hold our expanding family.

After a week of house hunting we will all fly back to Hawaii so that Ray can finish one last stint out at sea. Then we fly back to Phoenix, pack up everything we have accumulated here and drive it all to California to join the rest of our stuff that has been sitting in storage since March.

We hope to get a chance to visit with everyone before we make our move to Cali, but now that we are so close I don't want to here any excuses from our Arizona friend about why they can't come to visit us.

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