Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Little Business

As some of you may know, I started my own little online business. It is called Wine Coutures. I make one-of-a-kind wine glass charms and wine bottle necklaces.

I've been playing around with this idea since last year, but it wasn't until after my liver transplant that I decided to get serious. Both my friends Elaina Kelly and Maggie Medcalf have really inspired me to take the plunge. They are both very creative, beautiful ladies with their own online businesses.

My storefront is located at and you can buy from me at

I am enjoying the thrill of finally getting to see a life long dream come to reality. As my mother can tell you, I've had many business plans and ideas over the years, but always managed to let myself and others talk me out of them.

This time I've had no excuses and no negative people in my life to distract me from seeing this idea through. I love what I do and feel blessed to be doing it. I'm having fun and starting to make a little money too. Most important of all-especially during these times- I'm happy!

Feel free to check out my store. Don't feel like you have to buy anything, ever. Just let me know what you think. Thanks!

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