Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sorry for the Silence

I know I've promised to keep all of you updated on what has been going on since CPS came into our lives. But some things I have just not been able to talk about for legal and personal reasons. So I am sorry for keeping you in the dark on so many things. It will take a while but in time Ray and I will try to inform all of you as best we can.

Thank you all for your continued love and support. Thank you for your prayers and cards. It all means so much to us.

Again, sorry for keeping you all in the dark. We are not ignoring your questions or trying to disrespect you with our silence. We are just doing what is best for our family right now. We love you all.

1 comment:

The 5 C's said...

Hugs to you both. You don't have to explain yourselves to anyone. Anyone who says you do isn't very respectful of your life.

I hope all your horrors come to an end soon and that you all get to go back to being the family you deserve to be.